Keep Greater Milwaukee Beautiful, Milwaukee
Solar Electric Installation
Full Spectrum Solar installed a 10 kW Photovoltaic System with Sharp modules made in Tennessee, and Fronius inverters assembled in Indiana. The system features a 1.6 kW solar awning facing the parking lot.
This project was made possible with assistance from the City of Milwaukee and a Focus on Energy grant. It was installed as part of an energy-efficiency upgrade, including a switch to geothermal heat pumps for heating and cooling, and covers a significant portion of their electric needs.
“Bottom line is the solar panels will help the education center cut its energy costs significantly, passing the savings on to the city and our taxpayers,” said Ald. Dudzik, former vice-chair of the Public Works Committee.
Keep Greater Milwaukee Beautiful (KGMB) is an award-winning, private, nonprofit, 501(c)(3) organization. Established in 1983, it has been affiliated with Keep America Beautiful, Inc. since 1985. KGMB uses a combination of community improvement programs like the Great American Cleanup and education to accomplish its goals.